Cathy Cowling

I cannot recall a time when church was not at the center of my life: some of my earliest memories are of being in church with my mother. A lifelong Episcopalian, much of my life has been shaped by the people, worship, and ministry of the congregations to which I have belonged. They nurtured a deep love and appreciation for church communities as places where we encounter the Holy through scripture, bread, and wine and where we meet the face of Christ in one another through service.

For almost 35 years I have worked professionally for the church, serving on staff at St Mary’s Episcopal Church in Kinston, NC, the Church of St Martin-in-the-Fields in Philadelphia, and the Diocese of Minnesota, working in the fields of formation and congregation development. 

During my time on diocesan staff I completed training with Speed Leas of the Alban Institute in systems and church conflict and for the past 20 years have worked with severely conflicted congregations and other nonprofit organizations. In addition to assisting congregations moving through conflict and change, I have consulted with scores of churches in various denominations on strategic planning, leadership and staff development, formation, and search and transition processes. 

A transplanted New Englander now in Wisconsin, I currently serve in the Diocese of Fond du Lac as a member of the Commission for Congregational Vitality, the Commission on Ministry, the Transition Ministry team, and as an examining chaplain and the coordinator/trainer of the Faithful Innovations process. 

Life on the domestic side is dictated by the demands of two dogs and two cats along with ample time to cook and enjoy friends, putter in the garden and studio, and stick my nose in a book.

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