How We Work

We take seriously Jesus’ promise that, “where two or three are gathered” in his name, he is present. This is the reason we prefer a communal, consultative approach when working with congregations. Your consultation will benefit from our differing and complementary skills, experiences, styles and approaches. While only one or two of us may be “on-site” at one time, all three of us go on this journey with you, in design, oversight, research, reflection, and prayer.

Our Approach

We approach every consultation, even those involving significant conflict, with the assumption that the wisdom to know how to move forward is already in the room, amongst the people of God under the aegis of the Holy Spirit.

We view our role in working with churches as people who “come alongside” to support congregations as they move ahead in mission and ministry.

We are not “one and done” consultant types. We believe the best work is done over time, because over time, trust is deepened and relationships are strengthened.

Our Process

Our approach to leadership training, conflict management, and congregational development begins with the belief that“good process leads to good outcomes.” This means we do not have a one-size-fits-all handbook, having discovered in our work that there are organizational habits and practices which support congregations in their growth and development.

We take the time to extensively explore your congregation’s unique history, context and challenges in order to design a process tailor made for your situation.

How do you decide to work with us?

  • A video interview with two or three of your clergy and lay leadership.
  • An on-site meeting to learn more about your concerns and goals, as well as explore options for the content and design of our collaboration.
  • Following the above, we will present a proposal outlining our understanding of the work we will do together. This will include such things as the process design, duration, participants, objectives (what will success look like?), and costs.